Salud Para La Gente is here for you. Call us for an appointment at (831) 728-0222.
We are available 24/7 for your urgent health care questions or concerns.

Salud Para La Gente is here for you. Call us for an appointment at (831) 728-0222.
We are available 24/7 for your urgent health care questions or concerns.

Patient Rights

Know Your Rights & Responsibilities at Salud

What You Can Expect at Salud

At Salud Para La Gente (Salud), you can expect quality medical care and services.  We want you to feel at home here.

We promise to treat you with respect and kindness.

  • It doesn’t matter whether you’re rich or poor, a man or a woman, sick or well.
  • It doesn’t matter where you come from or who you care about.
  • We care for all people no matter their race, education, or religion.
  • We want you to feel safe and welcome here.

We promise to make sure what you tell us is kept private.

  • You can trust us. We follow state and federal privacy laws that protect your information.
  • We won’t share your medical records with others unless you say it’s okay in writing.
  • There are reasons we may have to tell someone else what you’ve told us — if you may be hurt or if you may hurt others. By law, we must report this so you can get the help you need.

We promise to give you the information you need to make good choices about your health.

  • We will always try to give you the care you need. We want to help you keep healthy and get better.
  • We will explain what we think is going on with your health.
  • We want you to know how we will treat any health problems you may have.
  • You have the right to ask for the care you need.
  • You have the right to get help for your pain.

We promise to talk to you in ways you will best understand.

  • You have the right to get information in your own language.
  • Feel free to ask questions. If anything is not clear, ask us to explain.
  • We will explain what your choices are. You can help plan your care and make your own choices.
  • You have the right to accept or refuse any care, treatment, or service.

We promise to tell you about your care providers.

  • We will tell you the names of the people who will take care of you.
  • We want you to know what kind of schooling, training, and experience they have.
  • We will make sure you know how to reach the people who give you care.
  • We will tell you ahead of time the date and place of your appointments.

We promise to explain the many services you can get here at Salud.

  • We will make sure you know about our support services, like health education.
  • We will help you apply for health insurance or other services you may need.
  • You have the right to assign a decision-maker in case you are not able to make your healthcare wishes known. This is called an “advance directive.”
  • We will make sure you get referred to care you may need if Salud is not able to give you that care.

We promise to give you care whether or not you are able to pay.

  • We will give you a bill of all charges.
  • If we can, we’ll tell you the cost ahead of time.
  • We will make sure it is clear what you owe.

What You Can Expect at Salud

It is important for you to:

  • Tell us what is going on with your health.
  • Be honest about your medical history and the way you live. Don’t leave anything out.
  • Ask questions when you don’t understand.
  • Follow our advice. Tell us if that might be hard to do.
  • Let us know if there is a change in your health.

Here are other ways you can help:

  • Come to all your appointments.
  • Be on time. Call us if you are going to be late.
  • Call us 24 hours ahead to cancel.
  • Tell us if you change your address or phone number.
  • Let us know how we can make our services better.

We want everyone to feel safe at Salud.

  • Be sure to treat staff and others with respect and kindness. Be polite.
  • Keep a close eye on your children while you are here.
  • Don’t bring any weapons into our health centers.
  • Don’t be drunk or high when you come to Salud.
  • We may need to refuse service to people who make staff or others feel unsafe.

We want to hear from you.

  • You have the right to change your health care provider if you are not satisfied.
  • Please feel free to make suggestions so we can improve our care.
  • You have the right to file a complaint about services you get at Salud. To make a complaint, contact:

Salud Para La Gente

195 Aviation Way, Ste. 200
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 728-8250

California Department of Public Health

100 Paseo de San Antonio, Suite 235
San Jose, CA 95113
(408) 277-1784
en English es Spanish