Salud Para La Gente is here for you. Call us for an appointment at (831) 728-0222.
We are available 24/7 for your urgent health care questions or concerns.

Salud Para La Gente is here for you. Call us for an appointment at (831) 728-0222.
We are available 24/7 for your urgent health care questions or concerns.

Salud’s Commitment to Dignity, Equity and Service

Dear Community,

As a community-based health services provider, when a patient says, “I can’t breathe,” we surround them with care and do everything in our power to save their life. When George Floyd, a Black man in Minneapolis, cried out these words, he remained pinned to the ground by police officers depriving him of air and life. Salud stands with the Black community to demand justice for those who have been killed or harmed by acts of racism and hate.

For over 40 years, Salud Para La Gente has been committed to improving lives and reducing disparities in our community. We provide care to all who need it, where and when they need it. We serve with our values of dignity, equity, and service. We recognize that racism is a public health crisis plaguing our nation and see its tragic impact locally in the recent disproportionate number of COVID-19 cases in Watsonville and among Latinx community members. We understand that higher rates of COVID-19 deaths among people of color are directly attributable to long-standing health inequities that persist in our community and across the nation.

Salud is committed to high-quality care for all people, regardless of their race. We join with those calling for comprehensive reforms so that all people are safe and healthy in their communities. Our communities of color urgently need the transformation of policing systems and the elimination of the use of deadly force that continues to disproportionately impact people of color. We are committed to helping disrupt discriminatory practices by continuing to work with our community and our partners to address the root causes of health inequities. We will join with our community to advocate for change in systems that perpetuate racism and to fight for systems that ensure access to justice, comprehensive health care, safe housing, nutritious food, academic opportunity, fair employment and liveable wages.

Today more than ever, we stand together, with you, against injustice, racism, and violence. We stand together with a deep commitment to advancing long-lasting systems change.

With you in solidarity,

Salud Para La Gente, Board of Directors

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